Soul Cage Tiers
A guide to the default abilities
The Soul Cage is a block inspired by the original Soul Shards mod. Using the soul crystal, players can create spawners of varying power levels, with each new level providing new benefits. Every tier has a unique name, with the untiered tier being called "Null". The Null tier is not able to be used in a soul cage.
Below are listed the default tiers and what values they have in a soul cage, in order from lowest to highest tier
Required 64 souls to achieve
Will spawn mobs randomly starting at 300 ticks and no later 1000 ticks
Spawns 3 mobs per cycle
Spawns mobs up to 5 blocks away
Requires a player to be less than 16 blocks away
Cannot be controlled with redstone
Follows spawn conditions
Allows all mobs
Last updated